Course Title (1/6) | Child Protection and Safeguarding |
Learning Hours | 1 5 Hours (Notional Time) |
The aim of this course is to enhance educators and school staff understands of best
practices in protecting and safeguarding learners.
The course will familiarize educators and school staff with best practices relating to protection
And safeguarding of learners. Participants will learn about child protection legislation in the
UAE and the procedures and protocols to be followed in order to ensure a safe learning
environment. It will further develop their knowledge about different types of abuse, the signs
and symptoms of abuse, and appropriate actions to be taken to protect learners.
Learning Outcomes (LO)
LO1: Know about different types of child abuse and the effects of abuse on learners.
LO2: Understand the importance of child protection and safeguarding learners in the
Learning environment.
LO3: Understand the importance of child protection and safeguarding policies.
L04: Know how to manage child protection and safeguarding concerns.
Performance Criteria (PC) and Indicative Content
L01: Know about different types of child abuse and the effects of abuse on learners.
PC1.1 Identify the signs and symptoms of different types of child abuse.
Indicative Content
Definition: abuse, vulnerabilityTypes of abuse in the learning environment (e.g., emotional abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, bullying, cyberbullying)
Types of abuse in the home environment (e.g., child neglect, domestic and family violence)
Signs and symptoms of abuse PCI.2 Discuss the effects of abuse on learners.
Indicative Content
Effect of abuse on learners (physical, psychological, emotional, social)
LO2: Understand the importance of child protection and safeguarding learners in the learning environment.
PC2.1 Explain child protection and safeguarding.
Indicative Content
Child protection and safeguarding (definition and importance) PC2.2 Examine the factors that
Make learners vulnerable to abuse.
Indicative Content
Factors that make a learner vulnerable to abuse
PC2.3 Discuss reasons why learners retract or delay abuse disclosure.
Indicative Content
Reasons of retraction or delay of disclosure (e.g., threat, fear, embarrassment, peer pressure, family
PC2.4 Evaluate the responsibilities of educators, staff, parents and school in protecting and
safeguarding learners.
Indicative Content
Responsibilities of educators, staff and parents (e.g., responsive action – reducing risk,
remedial action – restoring hope, protective environment action – creating an enabling
environment, educating learners)
L03: Understand the importance of child protection and safeguarding policies.
PC3.2 Explain ways in which staff and institution can protect themselves and work safely with learners.
Indicative Content
Safe recruitment, selection and vetting procedures (e.g., references, background check, police report)
Safe working practices (code of conduct, confidentiality, information sharing) Training of educators and
school staff
Importance of developing safeguarding policy to protect staff
PC3.2 Examine child protection and safeguarding policies in a learning environment.
Indicative Content
UAE Child Protection Policy School’s Child Protection Policy
LO4: Know how to manage child protection and safeguarding concerns.
PC4.1 Explain the guiding principles of managing disclosures in child protection and safeguarding.
Indicative Content
Factors that prevent or encourage disclosure
Guiding principles to manage disclosure (i.e., best interest of the child, do no harm, no
discrimination) Learner-centered approach (i.e., involvement of learner, taking account of
learner’s wishes and feelings, importance of respecting learners) Confidentiality about
PC4.2 Explain the roles of educators and staff in responding handling disclosure and
responding to abuse.
Indicative Content
Roles of educator or staff while a child is disclosing (e.g., being supportive, reassuring,
empathic, avoiding confrontation with perpetrator) Roles of educators and staff in responding
to abuse (e.g., passing on information to people who will be able to take action, talking to
parents, recording concerns) Appropriate and inappropriate professional behavior.
Course Title (2/6) | Dealing with People of Determination |
Learning Hours | 15 Hours (Notional Time) |
The aim of this course is to develop educator’s and school staff’s understanding about
disability and inclusion in facilitating access to education for people of determination.
This course will develop educators and school staff understanding about disability, impairment, special educational needs and inclusion. In this course, participants will explore different barriers and discrimination faced by people of determination and ways to reduce barriers to promote inclusion.
Participants will also explore different legislations and policies that promote inclusion. The course will further enhance their knowledge about the different teaching and learning approaches to promote inclusion.
Learning Outcomes (LO)
L01: Know how disabilities and impairments can affect learning.
LO2: Understand the importance of inclusive education for people of determination.
LO3: Understand the importance of inclusive teaching and learning approaches in
Facilitating access to education for people of determination.
L04: Know the legislation and policies that support inclusive education for people of
determination in the UAE.
Performance Criteria (PC) and Indicative Content
L01: Know how disabilities and impairments can affect learning.
PC1.1 Analyze different types of disabilities and impairments.
Indicative Content
Definition of disability and impairment
Models of disability (e.g., medical, functional, social, professional) Different types of disabilities and impairments
Causes of different types of disabilities.
PC1.2 Evaluate barriers experienced by learners with disabilities.
Indicative Content
Barriers experienced by learners with disabilities (i.e., inaccessibility, inappropriate physical environment, attitude, discriminatory behavior, prejudice, labelling, stereotyping, use of discriminatory language, assumption of inability)
PC1.3 Explain how different disabilities can affect learning.
Indicative Content
Different educational needs (e.g., equipment, resources, extra learning support, specific programs)
Impact of different disabilities on learning (e.g., learning difficulty, information processing, dysgraphia)
LO2: Understand the importance of inclusive education for people of determination.
PC2.1 Analyze different types of school provisions for people of determination.
Indicative Content
Definition: exclusion, segregation, integration and inclusion Special education schools – advantages and challenges integrated schools – advantages and challenges
Inclusive schools – advantages and challenges
PC2.2 Discuss the importance of inclusion in a learning environment.
Indicative Content
Benefits of inclusive education
Equal access to services and provision – Reducing inequalities of opportunities Positive
recognition of diversity and difference Tolerance and understanding
PC2.3 Evaluate how inclusion underpins the key principles and value of equity of opportunity
in a learning environment.
Indicative Content
Equity vs Equality in education Right to education
Inclusive principles and values (i.e., choice, rights of the individual, respect for the individual,
individuality, privacy, confidentiality, emotional needs, independence, valuing people)
L03: Understand the importance of inclusive teaching and learning approaches in
Facilitating access to education for people of determination.
PC3.1 Discuss the roles and responsibilities of staff at school in facilitating access to
education for people of determination.
Indicative Content
Roles and responsibilities (teacher, SENCO, learning assistant, professionals, management)
PC3.2 Discuss ways to minimize barriers to promote inclusion.
Indicative Content Learning preferences. Adaptation of learning environment and Resources
School support. Training of teachers and staff.
PC3.3 Analyze the importance of selecting teaching and learning approaches, and
Assessment methods to meet individual learner needs.
Indicative Content Individual learning plans Collaborative teaching Accommodation,
differentiation and modification of curriculum Different assessment methods and its
LO4: Know the legislation and policies that support inclusive education for people of
determination in the UAE.
PC4.1 Identify legislation and policies designed to promote education (as a human right) and
Inclusion of people of determination.
Indicative Content
– UAE Federal Law No. 29 of 2006
– The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol
– Dubai Inclusive Education Policy framework
PC4.2 Explain the core guiding principles and 10 Standards of the Dubai Inclusive Education
Indicative Content
– Core guiding principles of the Dubai inclusive education policy
– 10 Standards of Dubai Inclusive Education Standard
Course Title (3/6) | Diversity |
Learning Hours | 1 5 Hours (Notional Time) |
The aim of this course is to enhance educators and school staff’s understanding of issues
related to diversity and equality in learning environments.
The course will develop the educator’s and school staff understands of diversity and equality
in education. It will also develop their understanding of different forms of inequality and
discrimination and how these impact learners and staff. The course will further enhance their
understanding of different legislation and policies related to equality and diversity.
Learning Outcomes (LO)
L01: Know the concepts of diversity and equality.
LO2: Understand equality and diversity in education.
LO3: Understand the impact of inequality and discrimination in learning environments.
LO4: Know the importance of legislation and policies related to equality and diversity.
Performance Criteria (PC) and Indicative Content
L01: Know the concepts of diversity and equality.
PC1.1 Evaluate the concept of diversity.
Indicative Content
Definition: diversity (in relation to different backgrounds and identities e.g., ethnicity, religion,
gender, culture, social status, age) Similarities and differences between practices of diverse
groups (in relation to religion, beliefs, food and drink, relationships, clothes, festivals,
PC1.2 Evaluate the concept of equality.
Indicative Content
Definition: equality (e.g., treating fairly, giving equal opportunities, openness) Examples of
equal opportunity
LO2: Understand equality and diversity in education.
PC2.1 Explain diversity in education Indicative Content
Multiculturalism and different beliefs Different abilities of learners Different learning styles
Different curriculum (i.e., academic, vocational, hybrid) Different types of learning
Environment Diverse teaching and assessment practices
PC2.2 Explain why it is important to promote equality and diversity in learning environments.
Indicative Content
Need to promote diversity and provide equal opportunity to ensure individual rights (e.g., right
to be respected, treated equally with dignity, take care of their needs and choices, to integrate
and include) Importance of promoting equality and diversity (e.g., developing greater
awareness and tolerance of differences, different perspectives on issues, respect and
concern for others, promoting equality, meeting learning needs, ways of collaborating,
personal, social and moral development, working within legal, ethical and policy guidelines)
PC2.3 Describe the impact of promoting equality and diversity in learning environments.
Indicative Content
Impact on learners (e.g. improved access to education, reduced barriers to learning and
achievement, feeling valued and respected, prevents discrimination, happy learners) Impact
on educators and school staff (e.g. increased respect for others, increased awareness of and
respect for peoples values and opinions, tolerance, opportunities to learn from others,
improved collaboration, feeling valued and respected, improved self- esteem and confidence,
motivation, increased productivity, happy staff)
PC2.4 Discuss days to promote diversity in a learning environment Indicative Content
Ways to promote diversity (e.g., provide training on equality and diversity, create effective
policies and procedures supporting equality and diversity, model good practice, intervention
by colleagues or supervisor to stop discrimination, reaffirm expectations)
LO3: Understand the impact of inequality and discrimination in learning environments.
PC3.1 Evaluate different types of inequality and discrimination.
Indicative Content
Inequality and types (being disadvantaged based on different characteristics such as age,
gender, race) Example of inequality in learning environments Discrimination and types (e.g.,
direct, indirect, multiple, unfair treatment, giving preferential treatment to others,
marginalization, abuse of power, infringement of rights) Example of different types of
discrimination within learning environments Difference between discrimination,
prejudice, stereotyping and labelling how does inequality lead to discrimination?
PC3.2 Evaluate the impact of inequality and discrimination in learning environments.
Indicative Content
Effects of inequality in education (e.g., access to education, quality of education, educational
outcomes) Effects of discrimination on learners (e.g., low self-esteem, restricted educational
opportunities, problems in social relations, anxiety, depression, low educational outcome,
negative behaviors such as aggression and criminality)
L04: Know the importance of legislation and policies related to equality and diversity.
PC4.1 Justify the role of policies and legislation in combatting discriminatory practices.
Indicative Content
Need for active promotion of anti-discriminatory policies and integration into school life (e.g.,
providing active support consistent with beliefs, culture and preferences of learners and
adults Promoting their rights, empowering and balancing individual rights with the rights of
others; dealing with conflicts)
PC4.2 Discuss key legislation relevant to the promotion of equality and diversity.
Indicative Content
- Article 14, UAE Constitution (Equality, social justice, ensuring safety and security and equality of opportunity for all citizens shall be the pillars of the Society)
- UAE Law No. 2 of 2015 on Combating Discrimination and Hatred
- UAE National Tolerance Program
- School policies related to promotion of equality and the valuing of diversity
- School Code of conduct
Course Title (4/6) | Moral Education |
Learning Hours | 15 Hours (Notional Time) |
The aim of this course is to enhance educators and school staff understands of the UAE Moral
Education Program.
The course will familiarize educators and school staff with the UAE Moral Education Program and its
importance. It will enhance educator’s and school staffs understanding of the curriculum framework of
the UAE Moral Education Program and requirements for its implementation.
Learning Outcomes (LO)
LO1: Understand the importance of the UAE Moral Education Program.
LO2: Understand the curriculum framework of the UAE Moral Education Program.
LO3: Know the approaches for teaching the UAE Moral Education Program.
Performance Criteria (PC) and Indicative Content
LO1: Understand the importance of the UAE Moral Education Program.
PC1.1 Discuss the importance of the UAE Moral Education Program.
Indicative Content
- Moral education
- Rationale for the UAE Moral Education Program
- Aims and objectives of moral education in the UAE (build character, instill ethical outlook, foster community, teach about culture)
- Importance of the UAE Moral Education Program
LO2: Understand the curriculum framework of the UAE Moral Education Program.
PC2.1 Explain the features of the curriculum for the UAE Moral Education Program.
Indicative contents
- Based on four pillars
- Structured sequence of units
- Progresses in complexity from grade 1 to grade 12 Flexible curriculum
- Holistic learning experience by establishing appropriate connections with different subjects and related learning experiences and activities (Scheduling moral education in the timetable)
- Engagement of family and community members
PC2.2 Explore the content of the curriculum for the UAE Moral Education Program.
Indicative Content
- Character and Morality: Fairness, affection; caring, honesty; tolerance, respect for difference; resilience, perseverance; equality, appreciation; thoughtfulness, co operation; peace, responsibility; hard work, perseverance and grit; cognitive and emotional empathy; moral character, virtue ethics; respect and tolerance in a diverse society; individual moral responsibilities, duties and obligations; human needs; morality in the context of communities; introduction to global ethics; ethics and the global economy; peace and conflict studies
- Individual and Community: settlement, family and kinship in the UAE; how the UAE grew into the diverse, inclusive society it is today; trade, travel and communications – UAE in an increasingly globalized and inter-connected world – cultural exchange; growth of consultative governance in the UAE; governments, authority and the judiciary system in the UAE; being an active citizen; being a responsible adult; global citizenship; developing a global outlook
- civic studies: discovering UAE heritage through story telling; intangible heritage; what objects and symbols can tell us, similarities and differences; understanding UAE culture (basic and advanced); trade, travel and communication’s influence on culture; what should be preserved and how; inter-cultural relationships; universal culture
- Cultural studies: me and my family; friendship; self-identity and working with others; being healthy and staying well; me and my world; being brave and staying safe; growing up and wellbeing; helping and making a difference; taking responsibility for self and others; ethics in sport; leisure; physical health and diet; mental health; making good decisions; digital challenge; valuing diversity; dealing with conflict; financial awareness; living a moderate life; reflection and transition
- Curriculum resources (Units for grades 1 to 12)
PC2.3 Explain key requirements for teaching moral education at schools.
Indicative Content
- Delivery of moral education curriculum: timetabling, pedagogy, formal, informal activities, group learning, role plays, discussions, projects, engagement of family, extended family and community, holistic school environment
- Assessment and reporting of moral education (e.g., pre-assessment, formative assessment, teacher observation, attitude/behavior checklist, student’s learning journal)
L03: Know the approaches for teaching the UAE Moral Education Program.
PC3.1 Discuss different approaches for teaching the UAE Moral Education Program.
Indicative Content
Direct approach (teaching during scheduled classes) Integrated approach (integrate with of
The subjects) Holistic approach (whole school approach)
PC3.2 Discuss the role of key stakeholders in teaching the UAE Moral Education Program.
Indicative Content
Role of School Principal/Head
Role of Moral Education Coordinator
Role of Moral Education Teachers/other Teachers Role of Parents
Course Title (5/6) | Sustainability |
Learning Hours | 1 5 Hours (Notional Time) |
The aim of this course is to create environmental awareness and develop eco-literacy of
educators and school staff to support sustainable development.
The course will enhance educators and school staff understands of sustainability and importance of
resource efficiency in supporting sustainable development. It will also enhance their knowledge of initiatives
that can be integrated into the learning environment to promote sustainable practices among learners.
Learning Outcomes (LO)
LO1: Understand the importance of sustainability.
LO2: Understand the impact of development on sustainability.
LO3: Know the importance of resource optimization to support sustainable development. LO4: Know key legislation, policies and goals related to sustainability.
Performance Criteria (PC) and Indicative Content
LO1: Understand the importance of sustainability.
PC1.1 Discuss the concept of sustainability.
Indicative Content
- Well-being of the earth
- Sustainability and its importance
- Three strands (or pillars) of sustainable development
- Social: individual, community, nation, global
- Economic: business, industry, agriculture, transportation
- Environment: plantation, resources, fossil fuels Natural resources and their importance
- Concept of green economy
- Eco-footprint
LO2: Understand the impact of development on sustainability.
PC2.1 Describe ways in which individuals have an impact on the environment.
Indicative Content
- Impact of human population growth and lifestyle (habitat, travel and transportation, holidays, shopping, resource consumption)
- Excess consumption (what it is, how it develops, consequences of excess consumption) Impact of waste.
PC2.2 Review the impact of development on the environment.
Indicative Content
- Key environmental issues (climate change, deforestation, ozone layer depletion, biodiversity loss, resource depletion)
- Impact on environment (e.g., pollution of air, land, water; use of resources; noise nuisance)
- Impact of changing climate (e.g., flooding, drought, seasonality, sea level, depleted or scarce resources, increased cost of resources)
LO3: Know the importance of resource optimization to support sustainable development
PC3.1 Explain the benefits of resource optimization.
Indicative Content
- Benefits of resource optimization (financial, environmental, social)
PC3.2 Evaluate methods for optimizing resources.
Indicative Content
- Sustainable lifestyles
- Waste management
- Resource substitution
- Energy conservation
- Carbon management
- Water conservation and minimization Lean manufacturing
- Afforestation, sustainable farming methods
- Recycling
PC3.3 Discuss initiatives that can be used in a learning environment to promote resource
optimization and to support sustainability.
Indicative Content
- Education for sustainability (eco-literacy)
- Sustainable practices at school
- Initiatives to promote resource optimization to support sustainability
LO4: Know key legislation, policies and goals related to sustainability.
PC4.1 Review key legislation, policies and goals related to sustainability.
Indicative Content
- Legislation and policies (e.g., Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Accord), conventions and protocols related to sustainable development
- UAE National Agenda – Sustainable environment and infrastructure Dubai Plan 2021 – The Place: A Smart & Sustainable City
- School Sustainability Policy
PC4.2 Discuss the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in creating sustainable environment
Indicative Content
- Role and responsibilities of Government, business, educational institutions,
Community, family, individuals.
Course Title (6/6) | Wellbeing |
Learning Hours | 1 5 Hours (Notional Time) |
The aim of this course is to enhance educator’ and school staff’s understanding of wellbeing
and the importance of health and safety, diet, nutrition and exercise in ensuring learner
The course will develop educators and school staff understands of the importance of a safe
learning environment and its impact on learner wellbeing. This course will enhance their
knowledge of health and safety and identification of risks and hazards. It will also enhance
their knowledge of the school’s roles and responsibilities to provide a safe learning
environment. It will further enhance their knowledge about the role of diet, nutrition and
exercise in enhancing learner wellbeing.
Learning Outcomes (LO)
LO1: Know the importance of wellbeing for learners.
LO2: Understand school’s roles and responsibilities to provide a safe learning environment.
LO3: Understand the role of diet, nutrition and exercise in enhancing learner wellbeing.
LO4: Understand how to monitor learner wellbeing.
Performance Criteria (PC) and Indicative Content
LO1: Know the importance of wellbeing for learning.
PC1.1 Explain the importance of learner wellbeing.
Indicative Content
- Wellbeing (physical, emotional and social wellbeing)
- costiveness, mindfulness, happiness, resilience, emotional literacy
- Principles of wellbeing
- Importance of wellbeing Characteristics of successful learners
PC1.2 Evaluate the importance of a safe learning environment on learner wellbeing.
Indicative Content
- Factors influencing ways of learning
- Settings that promote learner wellbeing (e.g., adequate supervision, safe learning environment, managing risks and injuries, good hygiene, meeting nutritional needs)
LO2: Understand school’s roles and responsibilities to provide a safe learning environment.
PC2.1 Examine requirements and responsibilities related to health and safety.
Indicative Content
- Managing safety (moral, legal and financial implication),
- Roles and responsibilities relating to health and safety at school (role of management, teachers, school staff and students)
- Health and safety related regulations and legislation
- Consequences for non-compliance with health and safety regulations and legislation
PC2.2 Evaluate the importance of identification of risks and hazards in learning
Indicative Content
- Definitions: hazard, incident, accident and illness Main causes of accident, injuries and illness
- Hazards that may be found in a learning environment Benefits of assessing and controlling risks and hazards
PC2.3 Explain the procedures for responding to incidents and accidents in a school.
Indicative Content
- Hazard identification and risk assessments (process)
- Planning for emergencies
- Actions that might need to be taken following an incident Importance of reporting incidents and accidents Reporting incidents and accidents (process)
- LO3: Understand the role of diet, nutrition and exercise in enhancing learner
PC3.1 Discuss importance of healthy diet and lifestyle on learner health and wellbeing.
Indicative Content
- Diet and nutrition for healthy lifestyle.
- Impact of healthy diet and lifestyle on educational outcomes
PC3.2 Assess factors impacting overall health and wellbeing.
Indicative Content
- Food choices, nutritional values
- Interpretation of food labels
PC3.3 Evaluate the benefits of regular physical activity.
Indicative Content
- Impact of lifestyle choices on fitness and wellness
- Awareness of physical fitness and endurance
- Awareness of injury prevention
LO4: Understand how to monitor learner wellbeing.
PC4.1 Discuss the importance of monitoring wellbeing.
Indicative Content
Purpose of monitoring learner wellbeing Methods of monitoring learner wellbeing Use of
monitoring data to plan enhancement